Astrology and Art Immersion for Self-Exploration


( email if you would like to be the first to know when new dates are announced)

Hosted by

Astrology for Artists


Our collaborative program combines Art, Creativity, Astrology and Bioenergetics

A note from Ana, 

I am very excited to be your host and teacher on this incredible collaborative retreat with my dear friend Madeline. Her practice and intuitive guidance as astrologer has truly  transformed my approach to my life, work and relationships. Its been nourishing and eye opening and as we grow our friendship we developed and hosted few immersive workshops together in my old studio that some of you might have visited. Those workshops have been a seed that have grow and developed just like our friendship.  I am incredibly honoured to be able to host this exploration of our life on earth and reflection on the stars in the sky with her and share it with all of you.

My guidance though  art practice will accompany Madelines workshops and will work as a grounding, anchoring, integrating, and create a space for reflection while  exploring new ideas, concepts and perspectives.  

Join us in this beautiful family-run organic farm only 90 min from Lisbon set in the golden Alentejo and surrounded by rolling hills and over 100 hectares of private land filled with cork oak, olive and orange trees.

Embraced by orchards, wild gardens, a natural lake
and a saltwater pool - the serenity of the landscape and its stunning natural beauty sets a perfect backdrop encouraging calm, reflection and inspiration.

I am really looking forward to meeting you and sharing this jouney together. 


You will work with different creative practices such as clay and drawing as tools to observe your surfacing of emotions, characteristics of your being and challenges of your personality. Creation as the perfect reflection of who you are right now. We’ll begin with recognising those feelings and emotions from which we learn and we meet ourselves. A mirror that is so soft that it makes you softer. Allowing you to embrace, to observe yourself and embrace again. And most importantly it allows you to change as it teaches you how best to change. 

You can slowly confront your challenges and blocks, you can stop and start again. And clay as a forgiving, soft, smooth material will kindly allow you to become who you want to be a little more or a little less. Dropping into the rhythms of this beautiful landscape, we will focus the week around hand-building organic, sensual and unusual shapes. Ana will guide you into the subtle ways you can develop and refine your own language in the clay – and together we’ll explore clay as an intuitive and spontaneous material that responds to and reflects our inner worlds.


“The stars we are given. The constellations we make. 

That is to say, stars exist in the cosmos, but constellations are the imaginary lines we draw between them, the readings we give the sky, the stories we tell.” 


Our departing point / Your Natal Chart

Sun, Moon & Ascendant

Uranus, the god of the Sky — The Great Awakener

Neptune, the god of the Sea — Lord of the Imagination

Pluto, the god of the Underworld  — Impulse to Transform

Stargazing / A meditative practice

Bioenergetic Practice / Mind- body practice 

“To lose yourself: a voluptuous surrender, lost in your arms, lost to the world, utterly immersed in what is present so that its surroundings fade away. To be lost is to be fully present, and to be fully present is to be capable of being in uncertainty and mystery.”

When I teach astrology, students often come to me with their charts and say that they feel lost - that they can’t understand their natal chart. It's overwhelming, they say. And while it is all confusing, emotional, inspiring, beautiful and upsetting at the same time, I remind myself they are on the right path. I hold them by giving them some guidance but I also allow them to slowly surrender and experience this unknown territory. 

Time passes by and I begin seeing sparks on their eyes. The healing power of astrology is that it sees you in all your potential.  It   insights which slowly bring acceptance and compassion. And then - without knowing how it happened - their life changes. 

While we will work in a pace of warm Portuguese sun, surrounded with acres of organic farm,  orchards and nature

we will be enjoying the most delicious time of the deep sweet harvest season. 
your body will rest in feasting on shared family style table delicious local seasonal dished
made by their chef in residence at Cucumbi. 

 Spending long afternoons catching the last sun rays before winter, enjoying walks on the trails across the beautiful landscape, you can get lost in the 
meadows, swim in natural lake, or sunbath by thew pool reading and journaling.

The whole week will be a playful exploration of relationship between nature, other, self, body and creation.


Accommodation Overview

Cucumbi is set in refurbished traditional Portuguese style farmhouses, which offer a beautiful selection of modern spacious accommodation with plenty of privacy and calm. Private ensuite double bedrooms with terraces, stunning apartment suites, generous double bedrooms and dorm-style shared apartments.

There are many stunning options whether you are joining us
solo or with a friend and wish to book a shared accommodation or book a private suite. Double rooms and apartments are very spacious and ideal for sharing.

We encourage sharing double rooms with a partner
or close friend, in addition to shared dorm style twin rooms which will be booked on a first come first serve basis and you will be matched with someone else wanting to join a shared accommodation.


4 Ensuite Double Bedrooms  
Lunoka / Kawa - £3468 single 
Mukuza / Tchombo - £3468 single  / £1992 double pp

En-Suite Deluxe Appartment
Kambimbi - £4068 single  / £2892 double pp

Cottage Phuka
Twin room - £1932 pp
Double room - £2868 single 

Suite Deluxe Duplex Appartment
Tchikungulu -  £4068 single / £2892 double pp

Lakeside House Apartment

Studio Double Bed En-suite - £3468 single 
Double Bedroom - £2868 single 
Twin room - £1932 pp

Booking & Payment

Once you select the room of interest please get in touch
if it's available. We will follow up with an invoice to secure your space. You can then make the payment in full or alternatively 30% deposit and the remaining 70% should
be paid in full by September 1st (4 weeks prior retreat start date). Instalments on request.


Partial refund available up to four weeks prior retreat start date. Deposit is not refundable.

For more details see website terms and conditions

We really hope to see you in September in Cucumbi.

Email us if you have any questions and to inquire about availability -


•Six nights accommodation at Cucumbi

•Five full days of retreat programme

•Daily guided clay, drawing and creative workshops by Ana

•Daily astrology workshops by Madeleine, which includes

dance and bioenergetic practice

•Your personalised natal chart with customised notes

•Daily space and time for self-explorative practices

•Outdoor walks to embrace nature. Cucumbi has few 5k

trails to explore their lands 

•Breakfast, lunch and dinner - all food is seasonal, organic,

vegetarian and grown on the Cucumbi grounds or locally sourced

•Outdoor salt-water swimming pool & wild swimming in the lake

•Bikes, sups and kanoe available

•Outdoor dining under the vast Sky

•Stargazing sessions with Madeleine

•All materials for creative workshop will be provided (clay and

firings, paper, ink and paint, journal, etc)


  • Travel insurance

  • Flights, train, bus, taxi travel to retreat 

( let us know if you are renting a car or if you need help with booking  a taxi / we will try to combine taxies to collect few of you on similar arrival times)

  • Additional alcohol and soft drinks during retreat (they have a selection of wines and cocktails available)

  • Shipping of your ceramic pieces - we recommend you check an extra bag for your flight back (we don’t provide shipping service from this location)

•Treatments and therapies on request